Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Surreal Moments

      What is a surreal moment? When is something so wonderful that it makes you think, "Wow, is this really happening to me?" Yeah, that would describe my life in the last couple weeks. I have often wondered what I would do if I ever had a moment like that.

      I froze for a minute. That's what I did when I read the following words. "I'm sending you a contract, print it out and sign both copies and mail them to the address provided." I had an agent. Yeah, I froze. I didn't know if I was dreaming or if it was real.

      Those moments only come around a couple times maybe a few more. The thing I learned is yes, it's real. What an amazing feeling that is. For me, I couldn't move. I just sat in my chair staring at the screen reading it over and over again. to make sure I was reading it right, I read it out loud. Not once, not twice, but three times. Then, when I was sure I read that right. I raced out of the house to tell my fiance' about it. It has been a week and I'm still feeling like all if it is surreal. It's all a dream. holy cow what a dream it is...I'll take this ride anytime.

      That single contract is a chance to get a ticket to the show. What a trip that's going to be...there isn't any standing in line. It's just a ticket. A validation that says I was here. I did it. I made it. I existed. What an amazing thing that is going to feel like. No matter what, the ticket to the show is where we all want to be. It doesn't even have to be a golden ticket, just a ticket with my name on it. What a day...that's it...what a day...smiles...


Abigail-Madison Chase said...

Congrat again and I wish you more success than you can handle! Wave and say to me when you on Good Morning America....

Joann H. Buchanan said...

LOL...I'm not thinking that way...if I did I would freak out!!!...lmao...If I do get on there, I will say hi to you, that's a promise...smiles...hugs...

Angela Carlie said...

I'm so happy for you! Congratulations:)

Joann H. Buchanan said...

Thank you sooo much...smiles...hugs...

Kimberly Walker said...

Great blog... I am now following you on all networks!
All the best,

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